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What he prepared for and what he heard were two very different things. “I love your mother very much. Your mother, she is a wonderful woman and she loves you, too. I cannot do for her any longer. I cannot take care of her as I used to. I need you to give her what I cannot.” “Dad, if money is the issue, I’ll help the family. The both of you can come live with us if it needs to be.” Liu said, relieved that he didn’t have to hear of funeral arrangements yet again. “No, no, it’s not money that she needs. Your mother has other needs that I cannot meet.” H e paused for a brief moment and added, “It’s been three years since I make love to her.” Liu threw his hands up in frustration and stood up, “dad, I don’t want to hear this!” he shouted. “I want you to make love to your mother for me.” Quon said as he looked down with no emotion. Liu tried to rationalize as to why his dad would make such a request. He couldn’t come up with a solid answer. Instead, he played his dad at what he perceived. I definitely planned on doing that. I started to run my fingers along aleg which made her flinch. I ran my hand all the way up her body and grazed her lips with my fingers.Sasha was fighting against the ropes. "If you promise not to scream I will remove the gag". Shenodded her head as she started to cry again. I removed the gag. "Why don't you just rape me and getit over with. I want to go home. You are going to eventually let me go aren't you"? "Yes - but not for a long time. I am going to make love to you and it would be better if you don't fight me. There isn'tanything you can do since you are tied up anyway. I do not want to hurt you".I was drooling looking at her and I had a raging hard-on. I wanted to rip her clothes off and just fuckthe hell out of her but I wanted her to enjoy it and end up begging me to fuck her. That was my plan."Would you like something to drink"? "Some water please". I brought her a glass of water and put itup to her lips. She drank half of it. "Well the.
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