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I was walking through the Wrigley lobby one afternoon and I heard Pilar speaking firmly to Scout and shy little Wally Maypole, “Remember, it’s Hobo’s walk, not yours. It’s a dog walk, not a people walk.”Both men nodded dutifully.“Let him take his time — he loves to smell everything along the way.”More nodding.Pilar spotted me and smiled, “Hobo’s sense of smell is 10,000 times stronger than ours. If he learns the smell of someone’s urine, he could detect a single drop in a swimming pool.”I found myself nodding too. I stroked Hobo the way Pilar had taught us — from the back of his neck to his tail. Long, caressing strokes that he lapped up. Strokes that said ‘I love you.’Hobo had already proven himself when he attacked Greta Gunther in our loft. That day she had a gun pointed at Pilar’s head. When Pilar asked for a favor, an FBI favor, Sandra Fleming didn’t hesitate.It was back when Vanessa and Cathal had rescued me from Dixie Wexler. When he was still in custody. Sandra allowed me to. My cheeks were wet with his spit, my ears clogged with it. He sucked the snot from my nose then pushed his own spit it. My face was ravished.I moaned in loss when he moved away, but my regret was short lived. His powerful tongue harvested the sweat from my arm pits, lashed my nipples and then went down. I couldn't believe I was hard again and I thought I was going to get a major blow job. He just took me in his mouth for a brief intense moment, raising further my desire, but he had his own mission. Lifting up my hips, first he licked my groin, then spread my legs to taste and wet the sweat on my groin, and then came to my balls.When a man's mouth is on my balls I feel totally vulnerable. I tensed a little as his tongue and lips explored. Gary felt it and said "I love you Daddy". As I relaxed, he took one testicle, then the other, then both in his mouth. At that moment I truly became his slave. He was gentle with his tongue and his sucking. I was pretty sure I was leaking pre-cum, but.
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