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"Oh, yes," she said. "I suppose I started counting my blessings. I can tell you exactly when it was, too. On Tuesday night, when we were supposed to talk about the [she gave a shudder before she could say the word] divorce I began to think about how miserable I must have made you the night before, when Albert died, and I felt really guilty about it and the more I thought about it the more I realised I had a fine husband, a king among men, and I couldn't think why I should want to divorce him. The whole idea seemed ridiculous; it still does. Ever since, I've just wanted to make up for it." And how do you feel in yourself?"The question obviously surprised her. She had to think for a moment. "Well," she said, "now you mention it, I feel marvellous. I don't think I've ever been happier, even when we were first married. Isn't that strange?"Now it was my turn to hesitate. I was aware I was skating on very thin ice here but I desperately needed to understand what was going on. While I was. That left Vicki with Bot-bot.“We’re still working on Bot-bot’s autonomous interactions,” Terri told me. “Vicki’s gonna take him around to visit people.”I should be of a more suspicious nature.Vicki stopped at a desk. “Bot-bot. What’s on this desk?”Big programmng thing here. ‘This desk’ versus ‘that desk’ or ‘those other desks’ or ‘desks in general’.Bot-bot’s voice. Still SOUNDS like a robot. Terri won’t let that go, at least not for HER Bot-bot. I lobbied for James Earl Jones, got counter-offered Samuel L. Jackson.“You can’t have a robotic servant with the name of a black person,” Nikki said. “Can you imagine the repercussions?”Terri giggled. “Then how about Peewee Herman? Pre adult-movie theater?”“You know, for a precocious girl genius,” Nikki said, “you have a mean streak.”“I want Bot-bot to sound like a robot. Psychologically it disarms people. Gets them ready to deal with a robot. They think ‘It’s a robot’ so if Bot-bot can’t exactly do something flawlessly, then it’s ‘Awww! The.
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