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I peeked to the side and saw that Keith was giving loving attention to Holly’s breast.I opened my mouth as wide as I could, and took as much of her breast into my mouth as I could and sucked on it. I peeked up into Linda’s face, and saw she was looking down Holly’s body. I peeked down as well and saw that since the last time I had looked Keith had pulled her shorts and panties down so they were resting below her hips, and his fingers were sliding in and out of her pussy.I lifted off of Linda’s breast while still sucking, hearing the soft pop as the suction was broken. I then stuck out my tongue and flicked it quickly over the flat tip of her nipple. Linda moaned at this, and I peeked up. I stopped looking as my gaze locked onto Holly’s, and we watched each other as we gave or received pleasure.I carefully moved my fingers so that my index and ring fingers were riding up and down on each side of Linda’s labia, and let my middle finger slip over the top of her clit and between her. . ; she's an earthy, sensuous woman who still enjoys sex. When I told her... , you know, about how big Mel's is, she said maybe she should try him out sometime."Both wives laughed. "I don't think I'm going to tell Mel. He's already too full of himself," Eileen said, with a little laugh.Yasmin Agrees to Help...When Yasmin arrived, she entered the kitchen where her daughter, Maricar and Eileen sat chatting."Yasmin, let me pour you a cup of coffee," Eileen offered. Yasmin took a sip of her coffee—leaned back in her chair—smiled at the two young women sitting across the table from her."Okay, am I supposed to guess what you two were talking about before I came over?" she said, obviously amused, and fighting to stifle a laugh."No Mother... !" Maricar said. Turning toward Eileen, she said with a sarcastic little giggle. "Eileen, you are about to meet the real Yasmin. I should warn you, my mother is one of the original members of the Wicked Wives Club." I knew there was a reason I liked her.
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