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Then she got the idea. Then she said, "Probably good." I slowly ran it down to her legs and ran it up and down her thighs. She started to breath deep. She whispered, "Slide it in me." I ran it up to her pussy and slowly pushed it in. It went in easy because she wasn't wearing any panties. Pushing it in, she began to ride it a little as she sighed. Their wasn't any one around. One hand took over sliding it in and out while I grabbed a little bigger one. I said, "How about this one?" She said, "Sure, pump me with it." I took the smaller one out and brushed the bigger on up against her. She pushed forward wanting it in her. I aimed it up and began to push. She moaned as it parted her pussy and went in inch by inch till it was all the way inside. She began riding it again. My cock was hard as a rock doing this, so I pulled it out and her hand immediately started stroking it. I took the smaller one and pushed it up to her ass and she felt like she wanted to sit on it so I pushed it in.. Arlene – Queen, wife. Diana and Jeff's daughter.Helen – Genius wife and teacher.Susan – Wife and Diana's mother, who is also a Queen.Kayla – Jeff's wife who first worked for the FBI, but then went to work for the General, and now she is Jeff's last line of defense.Art – Alpha. Young FBI agent from Georgia.Hope – Jennie's sister who was abused by her father and other men.Fred – Alpha.Brenda – Fred's wife who died in Georgia, but came back in another body.Angel – Fred and Brenda's daughter and soon to be wife.Carla – Fred's wife and farm owner.Jessica – Carla's daughter and Fred's wife.Audrey – Fred's wife who was an RV park owner in Georgia when they met.Dave – Alpha – Contractor and Project Manager for Jeff.Evie – Dave's wife and assistant Project Manager.Adriana – Wife of Van, who is an Alpha and an organic farmer.Lieutenant Mayfield – Lieutenant in charge of Security.Sergeant Higgins – Security Sergeant.Carter – Big man from Jeff's team who occasionally runs with Jeff in the.
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