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We have the right to satisfy ourselves that they are suitable." Rights?" I responded, knowing that the girls' remarks were simply symptoms of a deeper lack of acceptance of their circumstances. "I do not believe that in your agreement with me there was any mention of rights. Of duties, yes. Of obligations, yes. But of rights? I think not."The girls saw this as an inflammatory response and leapt to their feet to harangue me. Amanda began pummelling at my arm with her fists, screaming that it was not to be as I wished. Estelle was as vocal in her protests, too. It occurred to me for a moment that the two girls might even be attempting to free themselves of their contractual arrangements with me and I was certainly not prepared to countenance that.Fortunately I always keep close to hand a pair of lockable restraints which can be easily snapped about the wrists of a recalcitrant student. In this case I gripped Amanda cruelly by the hair and span her around by it. Her yelps of pain were. He said if he wanted him to. She told him she would luv to hear about them.When they got in the apartment she asked him if he ever fantasized about having sex with his teacher and he said he did, he couldn't help it. She told them that was nothing to be ashamed of all boys have fantasies like that. She told him, my penis wasn't very big and she had fantasies of having of having younger black men with larger penises that got really hard for her as she started undressing. She asked him if his was getting hard for her and he said yeah he couldn't help it. She asked him to show it to her so he could see how big it was. He quickly dropped his shorts and underwear and his young black cock was sticking straight out. She says "oh my you are a big one aren't you Jerome. about twice as big as my fiance's and he is 30 probably about older than you." She was sitting on the couch and asked him if he wanted her to suck it for him and of course he did. He stood in front of her and she had her legs.
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