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Don’t get me wrong. I am having a lot of fun with a lot of different guys even today, but I select my guys a little more carefully to not put myself at risk. But college days were different. Invited to a summer party which was about booze and boys and hook ups, I dressed sexy as usual. Short denim skirt, real short, yellow thongs so they could be seen even in the evening under my skirt, tight top, stilettos and my slutty attitude, I showed up at 9PM. The party was rocking. There were close to 70 people at the house. The drinks were every where. Couples were dancing, couples were hooking up and a lot of groping and fondling was all around. As I walked in, a guy even squeezed my ass and said, ‘Hi Honey. How about you shake that ass with me.’ I smiled and walked in to the house. There were so many good looking guys all over. Making my way I found my friends and we started to chat and drink. Right through that many guys stopped to introduce themselves and some even asked me to join. The three of us were in hypnotic bliss. I increased my pace a little, thrusting deep as I could into Stevie.Angela screamed, “Oh Dios, Fuck, I’m coming!” While Angela’s orgasm faded, Stevie pushed me out of her and got up from her knees, turned facing me with her face glistening with Angela’s essence and gave me a deep kiss. My pretty little wife tasted of Angela’s nectar. “It seems like you guys have done this before,” Angela said.“No, this a first for me, but I think Stevie has,” I commented Stevie said, “I’ve been with women before, but it’s been a long time.”“Well, you undeniably know how to eat pussy, that felt fantastic.”Angela said, “Stevie, I want to go down on you, but that’s something I’ve never tried with a woman before.”Stevie whispered, “Just give it a try, you’ll do fine, do to me what you like done to you.”The girls switched positions on the bed. Stevie guided Angela’s face down to her wet, swollen pussy. Angela instructed me to take her from behind while she dined.
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