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Going down on him like that was getting me off big time. By the time he blew his load down my throat I was tumbling over the edge myself, humping my own fingers to the beat of ‘The Hop’. Hey, yo, inside the ghetto or in a sunny meadow, I'ma make you move whether woman or fellow, Yo, I got the medals in the war field of respect, Like an ill porno make ya body get wet Yeah, so I got off in the back seat, stoned, buzzed, not caring that the guys up front had ring side tickets. Hell, if I hadn’t been laughing so hard, I’d have gone for round two, but shit, hard to be serious when you come up for air and your best bud is handing you a napkin to wipe the cum off your face and pushing you away when you’re all over him, trying to snowball him. “Girl, you is seriously fucked up.” I mean, you try it! Thing is, he was right. I was seriously fucked up. We all were. It’s why we hung. Viva Los Misfits! Rest of the ride was smooth. Just the four of us keeping our buzz on, talking shit over the. I controlled it so it would not get onto my face. Holding back just enough pressure to get the satisfaction of release, while at the same time controlling the flow.I admired my hard 8 inches as my piss flowed from it. It is not an angle one sees very often, I don't imagine. Most people pee standing up, or sitting, not laying down: let alone while strapped to a bed. It was erotic in a strange sense. To see my piss drain out of my own hard cock, as I lay on my back is rather extraordinary. It is met but the feeling of the warmth it delivers as it lands on my skin. It pools slightly and then runs down and around my chest. Tickling the skin on the side of my body. I play with it a bit, slow it down, aiming for my belly button. Hole in One. I aim for my nipples. Move my hips abit to assist with the trajectory. That will take some practice. Continuing to not to get my face, it does not take long to soak my chest, neck and sides. I can feel the piss pooling up under me.Suddenly the door.
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