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Suddenly film was over and .we left to hospital In night after food my mother was sleeping ,we 2 was sleeping next room on a coat, it making notice when we were moving, It was a disappointment for us ,I put my hand and squeeze her breasts, my road was hitting to her butts, she turn and kissed me, we 2 was kissing hugging each other ,I asked her to do fucking , she told your mother will kill me and she never allowed me in to your house and ,I have to kill myself, then I put my hand on her pussy and insert my fingers to her pussy and she was moving her butts up and wow ,then I took her thigh on my thigh and told her touch my road to her pussy,She agreed, and I never had fuck any body, she roll up her saree and hold my road and started rub on her pussy, she never shaved last several years, then I told her to do with hand and ejaculate my semen, she sat near me and did for me and pour our my fluid, we slept, and morning she got up. looks like normally, and the 2 days we spend in the. Melissa smiled. How long had she waited for this moment?“Oh my little girl is so red and so wet. I want to have you my way.“Baby get on your knees on the couch get your ass up in the air and don’t look back or you will get more of the brush but I will use the other end up your tight virgin cunt. Do you understand?”“Yes, mommy.” Tatum whimpered.Tatum could hear her mother getting undressed behind her but buried her face into the couch cushion not wanting more punishment, involuntary tears still rolling down her cheeks.Suddenly she felt the cool weight of her mother’s boobs on her ass cheeks, she dragged them up and back over the red hot skin. Tatum closed her eyes and moaned at the sensation of her mother’s tities and nipples soothing her ass.“Oh mommy that makes my ass feels so good,” hissed Tatum.“Mommy loves her little slut, now open your legs wider I’m going to nipple fuck you.”Tatum complied as Melissa guided her long stiff nipple over her daughter’s swollen slick cunt, pressing.
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