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"Pleased to meet you" I said holding out my hand, "likewise" Joel said shaking it. We stood around chatting about nothing in particular getting to know each other, although clearly the others knew Joel, then Ron got to the point. "We run special nights for men, our next one is a toga party, its taking place on a boat cruise on the river and we think that you guys could be the entertainment, Joel was grinning knowingly. Ron and Henry retired to the couch leaving Joel and I standing in the middle of the room, Joel unbuttoned my shirt and slipped it off my shoulders, he then took his off then his pants, socks and shoes. I did the same so we were standing there in our briefs, Joel then hooked his thumbs into my waistband and pulled mine down, then he removed his, now we were standing there naked facing each other. Joel stepped towards me and our cocks touched, we were both erect, Joel was slim with beautiful pale skin, his cock looked beautiful, uncircumcised and completely hairless, I. Ty introduced her to Cory and asked her to tell them what had happen. They followed her into the master bedroom and she pointed to the top draw on her dresser where she said she kept her jewelry box.She said when she went there this morning the box was missing. The last time she saw the box was two days ago. Further she said there is no indication that anyone broke in to the house but she and her husband do have a bad habit of not locking their doors during the day.Cory took a report of the items stolen while Ty check the doors to see if there were any signs of a break in. He also looked around to see if he could find any clues as to what had happened.They left Phyllis saying they will do what they can to try and find her missing jewelry. Ty gave her his card and told her to call him if she had anything to add to this burglary. Ty told Cory to check all the pawn shops for the missing items.The next day as Ty was driving to work he received a call on his cellphone from Phyllis.“Can you.
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