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How are we ever going to take them all on? Maybe the President is right, maybe this is too big for us to handle on our own," he replied."We just need some of the expats to come back and once Captain Mexford returns we'll have support from trained men," Laura said, trying to cheer him up. "What does Alba gu Brath mean?" It's Gaelic for Scotland the brave," he told her.Jamie closed Gaz's message and saw that he had received a reply already from the HMS Vengeance.Opening the message he received yet another hammer blow. The fact that Laura had just used the Vengeance as one of their hopes for the future made it worse.Highlander (or Jamie, I'm not sure which you prefer?)My heartfelt thanks for news of my crew even if the news itself was hard to deal with. I'm proud of what they managed to achieve in the short time they had. Brave men indeed. News on our return is also not good. I'm afraid the US has impounded my boat and we are confined to the submarine. We have been vaccinated, which is. .. what is it that's so secret that you came all the way here, Lisa?" I found out about the double-blind study." Oh..." Don't get me wrong, Venera ... I'm all for it ... That is, if you're validating what I think you're validating. I came to see you to offer you my services; I'm thinking that it would be helpful if you had someone on the inside." You know, Lisa, that if it gets out, it will skew the data, don't you?" That's what I figured. No one knows I'm here to see you. Why don't you tell me what you're doing and we can talk about what data you need to gather for your study." Very well ... You know that, with the internet, the public school system is fighting a losing battle with students, especially high school students, in molding socially responsible young adults. Reading, writing and math skills are down across the board and as for discipline ... don't get me started ... It is even worse in depressed neighborhoods. The university was approached by the state board of education.
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