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The private who I had been helping came over to me and said, “We are going to be sorting this out for a while. Please come with me, bring you concubines. I would not be surprised if no one thanked you or your concubines for help. You should be proud of your service and your concubines’ service to the injured. You may have saved my sergeants life. I thank you.“Do you still have your data pad?”I reflexively had put the pad in my front pants pocket. “Yes.”“Good let’s get you registered and quartered.”We went over to the table. My concubines were watching the medical people work on the people they had helped. There were tears in their eyes and some open weeping as some of the people had sheets pulled over their heads. Some of the victims never stood a chance.I was still a little in shocked at what I had witnessed from my concubines. Even though they were naked they ran to the people in trouble and started helping. It was obvious to me they had strong first-aid knowledge. I was. I wish I had a private pool (or a whole bathhouse!) of my own. I was getting tired but I was still so horny!I wandered and ended up in the back again, I laid on one of the padded tables and watched a guy on another one getting fucked while I played with my cock. I am a bottom but being seen just lying there all exposed and slutty was getting me really hard so I thought maybe I would go fuck the other guy too but when a couple of men were around him he shooed them away from his ass and was just sucking dick. A guy came up to me on the table and started sucking my cock. I was hard and I was trying to grab his ass but he wasn’t having it. He sucked me for a while but it was not great so I started to get soft. Meanwhile another guy came up to me and stuck his cock in my face. I tried to suck it as best as I could but the position I was in on the table made it difficult. Eventually the guy sucking me left and the other guy grabbed my face and gave me some sloppy deep tongue kissing. He.
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