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" Wow that feels good!" said Tony as Melissa was messaging his foot and thentook the other one."Fashion has nothing to do with comfort honey!" said Aimee laughing. "Sorrybut with that dress, there are no sensible shoes that would work! Plus Iknow you don't like girls in flats according to your survey, do you?" That damn survey got me again!" said Tony laughing as the limo stopped andAimee slipped on his shoes again."Let's go girls!" said Aimee excitedly. "I've planned a little surprise pitstop."As the driver opened the door and Tony stepped out his mouth dropped."Holy shit!" said Tony. "Come on Aimee. This is too far!" Oh you are evil!" said Melissa. "This is an awesome idea." Welcome to Chip and Dales ladies," said the bouncer as opened the velvetrope. "Please hurry because it's only six minutes to the next stage show."Tony now actually felt like he was going to vomit as they entered the malestrip club. Melissa practically dragged him inside as she was tipping ahostess who was. Danielle Walked out into the parking lot and looked for Jason's 1968 black Convertible Camaro, but in it's Place was a very familiar Town transport Vehicle,The Bus! Danielle SmiledThe Lost and Found Bus Mame, I suppose you were a passenger of the Late Ernie, He retired about a week ago, Tragically he died in a building fire. Since then we've renamed the Company. A man said from behind her.Oh really and whom are you?The Name is Jack Mame, and Welcome aboard The Lost and Found Bus.Aboard? Danielle perked her brow and realized that in fact she had somehow appeared on the bus, and Jack was behind the steering wheel driving,Madme I would appreciate it if you would Return The ring. Jack said in a particular Monotone voice, It is the Ring of My Daughter's she left it on here the bus couple months ago.Oh?It's Simply a class ring no magic to it what so ever,So the bus changed me?Changed you, The Bus Simply Reveals what your Heart holds, and then Alters your reality to grant your deepest.
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