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He spoke in a worried high pitched voice, "Suzy, we have to switch back. This is too freaky!"Suzy found herself also feeling strange new sensations as Jimmy's large firm breast was pressed against her side. Part of her mind wanted to pursue those sensations. Part of her mind also agreed with Jimmy, even if he was very cute in her body. "Okay, we were switched when we both touched the ball at the same time. Maybe, if we do the same thing again, we will switch back? Let's try it."Suzy reluctantly released her hold around Jimmy's narrow waist. She took his delicate left hand in her much larger right hand as they bent forward to touch the globe. Nothing happened. Before they had touched it the first time, it had been glowing. When they had touched it, it had discharged. Now, it was no longer glowing. Whatever the charge was that had caused them to switch bodies had evidently been depleted. The two teenagers realized that this was not a good sign.After having stood silently for several. Rick by now had two fingers in her pussy and was finger fucking her. She was so wet his fingers made a squishing sound as he fingered her. She was into the scene and was fucking backwards onto his fingers. Rick said out loud, “oh Gosh this is the best feeling pussy I have ever felt. I have wanted to see Liv naked and to touch her and taste her for so long.” Liv then took her mouth off my cock turned a bit to say, “go ahead and taste it then.” Rick wasted no time in getting on his back beneath her hips and was sticking his tongue into Liv’s pussy. She must have been feeling great, sucking me and being eaten by another man. This went on for about 10 minutes and I pulled away from her to say, “Honey I want to see you fuck Rick.” Both of them stared at me and probably thought I was crazy. Liv said, “are you sure honey?” to which I replied, “yes I am. I have always wanted to actually see you being fucked by another man and this is the perfect time.” She slowly got off the couch and on.
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