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"Boys," Karen addressed the men. "Want to make yourselves useful? I want to attach the cuffs up there..." she pointed to the rail in front of the nearest top bunk.Debbi protested loudly, threatening the men not to touch her. Ignoring her, the two Dutchmen took over control of her arms from Jenny and Helen, but before they could begin to lift her off the floor, the two eager Pakistani gentlemen grabbed hold of one of her shins each. She frantically kicked out at them, but they were too strong, and quickly lifted her feet up to waist height, at the same time pulling them wide apart, revealing her hairless vulva between her parted thighs.Some of the other hens put their hands over their mouths in amazement at the highly pornographic view of the bride-to-be. Debbi experienced shame and anger in equal measures as she felt the men's eyes ogling her sex. She tried with all her might to close her legs, but in vain.Karen was delighted with Debbi's exposure, and how well her plan had worked.. After a while, he kissed me down to my breast and started sucking my right nipple. He was doing it so crazily that I could no longer stand after a while.Moaning, I leaned on the nearby bed. I was still scared someone would come here so I never made a loud sound.After a while, he ate the other boob as well. Then, kissing me down to my pussy, he pulled my sari off of my body and put it on the bed. Now I wad completely naked in front of him.Then he started eating my pussy. It was always so sensational, even then, that I was holding my mouth tight with my hands to block my moans.After a while, he took over his pants and underwear. His cock was big now. I knew he was ready for the final showdown.-hameeda, ready?-I nodded yes. I felt my pussy so wet by then.He held me by my lateral area, lifted me up and placed me on a nearby cage, made to put in sports equipment, which was at the height of his cock, almost. Then he said,-now wrap your legs around me and pull me towards you-I did as he.
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