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Like I say, we can bend it if you want to." I don't have a swimsuit here, anyway," Jackie said. "I'd have to go home to find one. I guess it doesn't matter. Mark and I went to a nude beach once, while we were on our honeymoon, and it was sort of fun, then. But, I was a little younger then, too." It's sort of like skinny dipping," Kirsten smiled. "Kind of fun."The water seemed awful hot to Jackie, but Kirsten suggested that she just set on the edge of the tub for a few minutes, her feet in the water, before she got in. Once she had her nude body immersed in the water, though, and had gotten used to it, the pulsations of the aerator on her body felt wonderfully relaxing. "I could get used to this, real easy," she told Kirsten."It's going to be nice to have one," the shorter blonde said. "I've always wanted one at home, but there was just never room enough. My back has been hurting so bad with this baby that I'm really glad we've got it. I just wish we'd had it sooner." Are you going to. Rogers explained, 'While I still believe that the work that needs to be done on a federal level to protect our children and our country's Christian values from liberal, secular interests remains important, I have decided after much deliberation that the work needed on the state level remains unfinished. I am not one to walk away from an unfinished job. Therefore I have decided to retain my position as a state senator and not seek any national office at this time.'"In light of revelations made last week that the state senator's daughter was not only pregnant but possibly a homosexual, political analysts were quick to point out that retaining her state senate seat might not be as easy as Ms. Rogers' statement would suggest."'She's going to face an upward battle, ' noted Paul Wonderkind, a professor of Political Science at St. Joseph University. 'We're talking about a woman who built her reputation on being a conservative, traditional family values Republican. She frequently touted her.
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