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”She went through the checkout with her bottle of flavored water with vitamins added. When I got through the check out and opened the door to go into the parking lot that same girl asked, “Do we have a deal?”Totally confused and obviously missing the point I said, “What?”Again she smiled sweetly at me and said, “You said that you liked my ass. I’ll let you fuck it for fifty dollars. Cash.”She was way too young and way too pretty to be a whore. She was obviously of very good upbringing, she had class, and she was wearing some very expensive jogging clothes. She seemed as if she had made other men that same offer just to laugh at them. I was different though. I said, “Okay. It’s a deal.”I really expected her to go running off but instead she told me to put my stuff in my car and then to follow her around the corner. Once again I expected to see her running for her life but she didn’t. She kept looking back but she stayed just ahead of me. We went around the corner, we went down about a. "Tom said he'd been thinking it over. "I'd actually be ok with Molly in or out, not having the girls, or having them once in a while. I mostly want to keep the four of us as the core group. Oh and Jerry when he can make it." How did your talk with Molly go, Bill?" I was right, she was jealous, a little because I'd fucked another woman, but mostly because she wants to join us." Christ, everybody wants us!" said Tom. We chuckled on that one.My turn. "I'm willing to let Molly join the group too. I still only trust her so far, but I don't see how she can mess with us if she's right there in the thick of it. And I think it will be good for her and Bill, yes?" Bill nodded. "And that way, she won't be getting her info second hand at mah jong."Tom proposed that we ask the three women over once a month, and we agreed to try that.----------On Thursday, I got a call from Jerry. Seems he spent more time than I thought, in that park where I saw him in the dick pictures site. "Hey, Pete,.
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