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He is just locked on my breasts!” she thought as she stared back at both of them.“Mike, my eyes are up here,” she said as she shifted in her seat, feeling nervous.He moved his eyes up and looked her in the face then slowly shifted his eyes back down, her deep cleavage showing the large globes sitting in her lace bra.“I called this meeting to see if there is a way to motivate the team to perform better, so we can all get out of this jam we are in,” she said while shifting her position in her seat to give them a better view.“Ms. Davis, or may I call you Mary?” Mike said, with a glance up from her breasts.“Mary will be fine, Mike,” she said.“Well, Mary, we are both very aware of the position you are in with this project. If it does not get done, you get canned. Is that about, right?” Mike said with a wicked smile.“Well, no, Mike, we all go down if we cannot deliver,'' she said nervously. “Is there something they know that I don't?” she thought as she looked at them, trying to figure out. " Mmmm, it certainly has, where's Richard The Turd?" Passed out on the couch." Good." Good?" He won't annoy me." Doing what?" He thinks because it's his birthday, that he's going to get sex, but I really am too tired tonight. Normally I'd be good to go, but this party has taken so much to organise, it's drained me." Still with her forehead against mine she yawned to prove the point."So do you want me to turn everything off so that you can go to bed now?" Yes please hun, give your old Mum a goodnight kiss, and I'll shuffle off." For all of this time, I'd been quite enjoying the feelings of her nice heavy breasts on my hands. Mum had quite a pretty face, but the thing that attracted men to her was her body, nicely shaped solid breasts, envious women might say they were a little too big, but what would they know? She also had a really tight arse, and killer legs, that is if their eyes got that far south.Mum inclined her head to the left and my lips lightly brushed against hers, she.
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