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Sarah turned to face him and they snogged as their sexual zones pressed together and Mark pawed Sarah's buttocks with Sarah's arms wrapped around his neck. Mark then completed the removal of Sarah's blouse and then removed her bra and both items were on the floor as Sarah fumbled with Mark's belt, clasp, and zip on his trousers before having them and his underpants partway down his arse and his erection in her hand.As Sarah wanked him, Mark kissed her ample breasts and tongued her nipples, "We need to get upstairs now," panted Sarah and she made for the stairs with Mark following her. Mark's trousers were slipping further down his legs so he stopped on the stairs to remove them to avoid the possibility of tripping over them. When he reached the top of the stairs he headed for an open bedroom door and got inside just in time to find Sarah removing her trousers and panties.Mark removed his shirt, underpants and socks so they were now both totally naked as Sarah moved towards Mark and. ” She was right, it was only fair. “Yeah, Mare. Fair is fair.” Mary was free to fuck who she wanted, although I preferred if she would just fuck women. But there was something strangely thrilling about watching your women getting fucked by another guy. “Hey, I'm running the dragon,” Quatch protested. “So, what about me.” Mary bit her lip. “Well, if you kill all of them, then you can fuck me.” “Really?” Karl asked, glancing at me. I don't think he quite believed I would let my beautiful fiancee fuck one of my friends. I nodded at him. It became a free for all. We stopped cooperating, each of us wanting to be the player to drop the dragon. And Quatch pulled out all the stops. I wasn't going to accuse him of cheating behind the DM screen, but he had a couple of lucky crits that killed Lillian's bard. I was badly hurt and asked Karl's cleric to heal me on his turn. Instead of healing me, Karl attacked and, on the dragon's next turn, I was killed by its acidic breath weapon. “Thank,.
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