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I showed her around town and then we stopped by the club house of a local chapter of the Sons of Liberty motorcycle club. I was an independent rider never patching with any club because of my work, but most often hung with SOL.I was greeted by several members and some looks and grins were aimed at me as Amy followed me to a booth. Amy was in her shorts showing off her perfect assets, and was wearing a Tee shirt with no bra under it. Denis the master at arms of the club and bartender stepped up to the booth and said hey Bear who’s this? I introduced Amy and Dennis shook her hand and took her hand and kissed the back of it. Dennis turned to me and asked if I know who Amy was. I said not really we just met. Amy sunk in her seat, pulling her hand back. I asked is there a problem? Dennis turned to Amy and said I don’t think so, do you want to tell him. She looked as though balls of fire would burst from her eyes at Dennis and said sure why not. Amy looked at me and told me that she was. ” I smiled as she kissed me gently on my lips and said.”See you tomorrow baby.” I was left alone for the night while she was next door naked with Marcus. Her shorts, thong, vest and bra were still on the couch, she had left them there after stripping naked for the call with Robert. I held her thong in my hand as I jerked myself off. She stayed at Marcus’s house for the next three nights as well. Finally Robert was flying home and she was ecstatic! She had booked a five star restaurant for us all to eat after we collected him from the airport. We arrived at the airport and she almost ran to the arrivals lobby, she was so anxious to see her lover/ husband again. A security guard stopped us and asked why we were in such a hurry? “I am meeting my husband’s plane; he has been away for twelve days,” she told the guard. “Don’t rush,” the guard told her, “I’m sure that your husband doesn’t want you to have an accident.” It sounded so weird hearing her speak of her husband and meaning.
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