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Ah ten minutes after we left and we both were shed. Gauri gave me a loud puppy and we went to the bathroom to clean up. Gauri in a while and what I started again and this time my wife Gauri with her mouth began to suck. Five minutes later I was ready to fuck.Gauri reversed this time I laid him down and catch him from behind Mmme I put my dick in her pussy. Friends, in this position, erect penis goes into the vagina and the woman is very fun.Gauri screaming of my action, she said – let’s OO huh Uhh Ahh Uufffff af Aahh is very painful, it looks like you’ve rammed his cock straight into my stomach. Just do not do it slowly! Ahh’m having a lot of fun. Now you can increase your speed.I hold her waist began her pen and began to vigorously Gsse but was not an account of my loss. I asked Gauri – the loss will take time for me!Gauri said – no problem! You carry on, when the time comes caducity!I put a pillow under Gand of Gauri and went up. Siskia of Gauri was getting faster, I tried my best. As you entered the door Serenity stood directly in front of you her straight blonde hair with caressing curls she was wearing a powder blue tank-top that clung slightly to her erect nipples, seeing her round perky breast through the cloth, a you looked down you saw a light jean mini skirt that was cut off right as it finished rounding her ass but as you look down her long muscular legs you see her on a pair of white strap on heels. She takes one step towards you, she grabs the hemline of her shirt and tugs on it slightly so it pulls straight off, giving you the view of her firm D cup sized breast. Serenity turns around being just a slight tease and bends over giving you the sight of her tight ass with a nude colored lace thong running along her ass cheeks, giving you just a teasing view of her moist pussy. As she was bent over she undoes the skirt and lets it drop her ankles as she bends back up carefully stepping out of the skirt. Serenity looks at you and has captured your vision..
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