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The slave began to scream in pleasure as Kate nibbled on her tender flesh. White fingers explored an olive skinned pussy and with three fingers inserted Kate felt the pressure that she put on Amina's clit was doubled to increase her enjoyment."You have learnt well, Kate," Elaheh said, as orgasm after orgasm washed through Amina's bodyGetting out of the pool she told them to stay and enjoy each other, and that when they were both spent to rejoin her to receive their rewards. The two women slipped into the pool and began once again to explore the possibilities of each others pleasures. Elaheh dried herself off with help from Mi Lee who was always on hand to satisfy the Princess's needs.Shortly after this a knock on the main suite door was followed by a message slip being passed in to the eunuch who answered it. It was passed to the Princess but all it said was:Please telephone the Emir, may he live for ever.Lifting the telephone in the suite, and fearing truly bad news, Elaheh asked to. She was the only true friend that didn’t try to stab her in the back as she applied for and then received senior editor for the magazine. ‘Well, kinda,’ she admitted, thinking back to her encounter with Wesley in the hotel, a small smile flickering at the corners of her mouth. She could almost see him again in that towel, swearing as he came out of the bathroom, laying on the bed in tears as he revealed his past to her, the whites of his knuckles as he grasped the headboard. ‘Kinda? How can you kinda sleep with a man? Wait…’ she shook her head. ‘Never mind. Don’t tell me. Damn Lizzy! No wonder you can’t get him out of your head, honey. Let it go. You’re home now.’ Lacey sighed heavily as she turned her head to look at her friend, her footfalls slowing and then stopping as she turned to face her. ‘That’s just it though, Ty. I don’t FEEL like I’m home. Something happened to me there. Something I can’t explain and I don’t quite understand. It’s not all Wesley.’ She sighed, pulling her.
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