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" She sat back on the couch, scooping some ice cream out of the tub. She sat next to Willow, who was sitting next to Buffy; there was no way Faith was going to give Buffy the advantage by letting her have Red all to herself. "Help yourself to ice creamy goodness, Will," Buffy said, pointing at the coffee table. "We've got whipped cream, chocolate syrup, marshmallow, and...honey?" She finished quizzically, picking up the bottle. Faith snatched it away from her. "I like honey on my ice cream, ok?" Buffy laughed at the sight of Faith putting honey on her chocolate ice cream. "You're such a freak." Faith just smiled seductively, gathering some honey on the tip of her finger. "Oh, no, you haven't seen what I do with honey that makes me a freak." She flicked her tongue out, licking the honey off her finger with one smooth motion. Willow looked back and forth between the two Slayers as if she were watching Wimbledon. The air was charged between those two, and the redhead was stuck right in. I felt I could relax more and start to enjoy the party. As I looked around at all the sexy people I started imagining fucking some of these beautiful women. It was more of a possibility to happen than I would have ever thought. Then another unbidden thought popped into my head… That group of sexy women included my sister-in-law, Nikki.Nikki was extremely hot, but if this were to happen, it would be totally awkward. I put that thought out of my head and with the liquid courage I had already ingested, I started to turn the tables a little bit. I went back over to Lisa and then I started flirting with the couples we interacted with.I caught Lisa sending me sideways glances every now and then. But she also started getting into it a little. An arm touch here, a light elbow grab there, it was getting pretty charged. As the other couples felt more comfortable, they started pairing off with other people. I thought my flirting game was pretty on, but I was a fucking amateur compared.
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