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Will you take me to the airport?”“Of course. I can go home anytime on Saturday.”We finished breakfast, and I packed my weekend bag, Stephie grabbed her books and I gave Elyse a hug and kiss and we headed out. I still had to do my time as an assistant in the computer lab, so Stephie and I would have an early lunch. If I left IIT by 11:30am, I’d be at Kara’s around 6:00. The plan was to go to dinner at Cork ‘N Cleaver, at Kara’s request, and then we’d go to the Spencers’ for our private celebration.April, 1982, Milford, OhioAmazingly, everything went according to plan, and I pulled into Kara’s driveway at 6:11pm. Kara answered the door, grabbed a colorful paper bag that I assumed had my gifts in it, and we got into the car. After a wonderful dinner, we went to the Spencers’ arriving just before 9:00pm.“Happy birthday, Steve!” chorused through the air as we walked in to find Stephanie, Ed, Pete, Melanie, Joyce, Terry, Larry, Donna W, and Frank and Trudy Spencer in the living room.I. She stood at one of the sinks, looking at herself in the mirror. Her eyes were wide behind her glasses, her breathing too fast. She tried to calm herself. Maybe he wouldn’t tell; he seemed like a nice enough boy, as near as she could tell, considering that they lived in different universes, practically. She was positive he’d never noticed her before...before he saw... But if he wasn’t going to tell, why had he been waiting for her, why had he looked at her like that? Oh god, she was in such trouble. She leaned forward, letting her forehead rest against the coolness of the mirror. She closed her eyes.She had no idea how long she’d been standing there like that when she heard the bathroom door open. She quickly pulled herself upright and opened her eyes. And felt her heart stop. In the mirror, behind her: it was him. She turned, gasping.He seemed not to notice as he stopped and simply stood there looking at her, his hands in his pockets, a good-looking boy she’d.
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