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’ Desiree’s heart just about jumped out her chest. Gabriel stood at his full height smiling sheepishly at her, enjoying her shocked expression, with a dozen roses in one hand and her soup in the other. This was certainly the last thing she expected when she rolled out of bed. She ignored his statement and asked where her brother was. ‘He’s sitting on his ass in his apartment watching television.’ Desiree raised her eyebrows. ‘Well what are you doing here?’ she asked. Obviously she had an idea, but she figured it best not to jump to any conclusions considering she hadn’t spoken to him in two weeks. ‘You gonna make me stand out in this hall all night?’ Desiree wanted to tell him she didn’t give a damn where he stayed, but she held her tongue and backed out of the doorway. She waited for him to step through the door trying not to get swept up in his manly scent. She shut the door behind him and felt a sense of panic rise in her. What was she supposed to do now? The man doesn’t call,. This would also raise the acidity of the rainfall and in the oceans, rendering them incapable of sustaining any of the life forms we imported. The killing off of all oxygen producing organisms would cause the already near toxic levels of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to steadily increase. Between that poisoning us and the inhaled ash hardening in our lungs, within a few weeks we would be unable to survive on the surface without protective gear we did not have. The dust shroud would also cause the planet to cool by an unknown amount, possibly to a point of triggering an ice age. The wildly turbulent atmosphere would make air travel impossible for years to come. There was also the chance of lava flooding the colony from the antipode faulting where the new mountains were formed. It sounded like all the worst parts of a nuclear winter, without any of the good parts, only substituting acidic rain for radiation.In short, the colony was fucked. In fact, the entire.
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