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His sister, Annie, was a great looking girl. The problem was, she knew it. From the time she started developing her tits, Annie had treated any male, including her brother, with distain. Any boy who had shown an interest in Annie had been put through such a grilling by Annie and her parents that they quickly gave up. This trip home would prove once and for all that Jason’s mental powers were real.Friday morning Jason left campus and headed home for the weekend. This visit with his family promised to be very interesting. When he arrived home later that afternoon, his eighteen-year-old sister, Annie, greeted him at the door. She was still as stunning as ever. Her curly blond hair formed a golden halo around her head and fell softly on her shoulders. Her blue eyes sparkled. Her complexion was perfect and needed no make-up. Her knee length dress hugged and accentuated every curve of her figure.“Hi Jason. How have you been? You’ve been gone a long time. What brings you home. They want to undermine our system of government so we’ll be easier to control. You can’t pick who governs the country!”Phillips banged his gavel, shouting back. “No, but as the chairman of this investigation, I can! Guards, please escort Representative Wilson from the building. Given what you’ve admitted before television cameras, the entire Congress will have no problem stripping you of office.”The cop who accompanied Eric back stepped forward. “There’s no sense releasing him. Since I witnessed the confession, I’ll take him under arrest, making your job that much easier. Representative Wilson, you have the right to remain silent.” As he continued reciting the rest of his Miranda rights, Lawrence stumbled about, glancing at those around him as if trying to piece together what happened.“He’s a threat. He’ll destroy us all! He’s no angel. He’s the devil incarnate, the antichrist! What will he—or his alien overlords—gain by helping anyone? No, they only win if they eliminate us as.
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  • Today Exclusive-lights Camera Murder Episode 6
  • Murder Game Episode
  • Today Exclusive- Perfume And Murder

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