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“You mean you haven’t fucked him? Girl, what are you waiting for? You’d better hurry up and bed him before someone else does. Men like him don’t come around often.”“Michaela, it took him weeks before he even kissed me and when I embarrassed myself by inviting him to spend the night in my room, he said he wasn’t ready for that yet”“Really? That’s surprising.”With that, Mom announced that dinner was ready.Thanksgiving dinner is always wonderful, but that year was extra special. Having Brian sitting next to me, feeling his warmth, enjoying his occasional touch, his smile when we looked at each other, all made the occasion much more special.As we were sitting around the table after dessert, I suddenly felt Brian’s hand on my knee at the hem of my skirt. Startled, I looked at him, and even though I was smiling, he started to withdraw his hand thinking that I didn’t want him to touch me. I quickly reached down and put my hand on top of his, and as I parted my knees, I moved his hand to my. It didn’t take long for her gaze to see his erection pointing straight at her. As for him, his eyes were fixed on her breasts. Despite her fair skin, she had obvious tan lines now that her bikini was gone, and she was almost milky white around her nipples.Lost in time and space as he kept staring at her small breasts that he just wanted to touch he didn’t notice that her hand was on his chest and she had moved closer. With a quick push, he stumbled backward and fell to the ground.He looked up, almost dazed and certainly confused, and saw her seductively standing over him, her feet positioned on the outside of his knees. He didn’t dare hope what would happen next, but he could feel his cock throbbing. With a seductive move, she untied the sides of her bikini bottoms and let them drop to the ground.Her pussy had just a small tuft of trimmed hair just above it, leaving the rest hairless. He could only describe it as beautiful. He really wanted to place his lips on it and kiss with a.
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