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Even covered in cum she was still smiling and enjoying herself. If this didn't satisfy her enough I didn't know what did. She laid there catching her breath licking the cum off her fingers. I laid there feeling tired again and I was hoping she was finally done with me. "Are you done, Cyn?", I asked. "Don't worry, D, I'm so tired. Oh, shit that was incredible. You rocked my world." . " I got off the bed and onto my knees at his feet. Looking up at him, I grabbed the base of his cock in my right hand and gently licked his head, which already had precum leaking from his urethra. I wrapped my lips around it as I began to suck it slowly, in and out, coating his dry dick with my spit. Brad's strong right hand rested on the side of my face as he said "Oh fuck yes, cutie. Suck it harder." I began sucking him harder and faster, taking his head to the back of my throat. He let out a louder moan as his head touched my uvula, and I pulled it back into my mouth. "Take it down your throat, baby." I took a deep breath through my nose as I fought my gag reflexes, feeling his fat head bend down my throat. It was painful and my eyes began to fill with tears as he moaned, repeatedly saying "Oh fuck!" I fought to get it farther in, my throat making choking noises uncontrollably as I fucked his dick with my throat. He bent over to reach down and hold my tits, squeezing them and.
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