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When Peter awoke again, it was after 4 PM. He forced himself into action. He showered and shaved, then went out for a run in Central Park. When he returned, Kirsten was awake and holding her stomach. She had to pee but was still chained to the bed, so she had had to wait for Peter to return. As soon as he unlocked her leash, she hurried to the bathroom. While she was there, she took the time to bathe as Peter sat to read the paper and catch up on the news. When Kirsten came out of the bathroom, he told her to start dinner. She hurried to the kitchen, her breasts bouncing with each hurried step because she hadn't taken time to get dressed. She didn't want to anger him anymore right now. She had found him to be a wonderful lover, but a strict master. She realized that she had crossed the line yesterday, by trying to press her needs over his. When dinner was ready, she walked out and knelt at his feet until he acknowledged her presence."What is it, Slave?" Dinner is ready, Master." Good.. "Tom looked at him and smiled patting him on the shoulder. "Well done, you have done exactly as I asked. Now go and eat and rest. You've done well young man."The man beamed as he went to get some food. Ganlan looked up at Tom and said, "You have just made that young man feel like the most important man in the world. He would follow you anywhere now. In your land you must be a great Lord, with many followers." No, not me. At home it's the simple life for me, just my wife, children and an ordinary job. Nothing fancy for me." he said laughing. "Here though, I have a war to fight. We need to make sure all the men are as ready as they can be. I reckon we've got a few days at most, perhaps not even that." How do you think that?" asked Ganlan."Well, he knew the way, they will be back-tracking the slavers route, they will have to go through each village, and finding no one there move on to the next. Hopefully they will get frustrated and get careless. We have to have more men tracking them..
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