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It gave me peace of mind. I was excited.The daylight was fading and although I still had her panties halfway down my legs and you could see my pubic hair covered with dried cum, I felt at ease between the man and the woman.The woman had removed a beach towel from her bag and placed it on the sand at my feet and with a slow movement both the man and woman sat down.... The woman's face was now level with my crotch and so was his. I saw his hand move closer to it as I tried to lift her panties thinking she would like that. The man took my hand away before I could cover my nakedness.It was nearly dark but I was not afraid to stand naked on the beach with them. I felt the man's hand caressing my body as he was urging me to sit on the towel, where after a while I found myself seated between him and the woman. I was still clutching in my hand the bikini bra, when the man took my other hand and slowly as if he wanted to study a possible reaction, led my hand to touch his penis, which. It, does, in fact make him taste better. But, thats not the real secret to his tasty sperm. I was doing some shopping online one day, looking for some things to keep the flame burning in our relationship, and I found an herbal tea that claimed it would make your bodily fluids taste like a maple cookie. I was extremely skeptical at first but I read the reviews and decided to give it a try. Initially, I was too nervous to tell him about the tea so I just did a little experiment on my own. I drank about three or four cups of tea in one day. I didnt know how much it was going to take so I did my best to overdose on it. The tea tasted great and it made me aroused all day thinking about what might be the outcome. When Khari showed up, I had on a white dress shirt and plain white panties. It wasnt anything overly sexy but he liked when I wore his shirts. He immediately showed his admiration for my choice in attire by roaming his hands all over my curvy brown body and pulling me close. His.
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