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Olivia shrieked louder than she had before. His dick massaged her g-spot before going deeper. Each stroke stimulated her spongy g-spot. She gripped the old quilt on the bed and moaned into the mattress. Jimmy closed his eyes and fucked her harder. A small amount of saliva escaped from his mouth and into her hair. He almost lost control. The bed constantly squeaked and the animals stirred below.Olivia’s toes curled. Her heart beat rapidly. Constant bursts of endless pleasure took over her body. She moaned and groaned into the creaky mattress. Her pussy contracted and her body went limp. Jimmy fucked her as hard as he could. He ground his hips into her trying to go as deep as possible. The forbidden fruit. Olivia panted hard as she came down from her spectacular climax. Jimmy pulled his dick out until the head rested on her soft lips before he pushed it back inside of her in one quick motion. He clenched his teeth. A tightening sensation came over his groin. His. "Come on, whore. Where's our breakfast?"Thank you, darling," the vicar said. "I'm sorry my foolishness brought us to this." Was I better than Teddy?" she asked, climbing out of the bath and into the towel Jeremy held ready.He nodded."Much." He nearly meant it.The young woman in Pool Side Hut three, Suite three, struggled against the thin ropes that held her bound tightly to a stout wooden coffee table. She could see the sunrise through the one-way window that opened onto the pool. She could hear her tormentor in the bathroom and was terrified he would resume the pattern of pain and pleasure he inflicted on her during the long night. Her whole body throbbed with the pain of his caning. Her clothes hung in tatters and her pussy and anus were swollen and sore from frequent and forceful use. Her breasts ached and her nipples felt as though they had been peeled. She could still taste him in her mouth.The man had surprised her when he let himself into the suite last night. She had been.
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