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As we pulled up beside a big rig, she rolled down the window; the tinted window was partially blocking the view that she wanted the driver to have. As Katie looked out the window, waved at the young driver behind the wheel of the truck and I blew the horn, the driver gave a wave to acknowledge showing that he was enjoying the show.Katie let her hand slip from around my cock and began to pay attention to herself alone. With one hand she was drawing circles around her hard nipples, with the other she was rubbing her clit faster and faster, she reminded me of a professional musician playing an instrument. She began to writhe all over the seat, eyes closed, mouth open and moaning louder and louder. Gone were all the cares of the world, sex was the center of her thinking and her actions. She began to pinch her nipple harder and pressing one finger into her dampened pussy. Now two fingers, faster and faster the movement continued. "I'm cumming, I'm cumming." With those words she raised her. Peeking inside, in her hand a cup of something hot, maybe tea. After a five-hour drive, my first thought was just what I needed a cup of tea.“Sorry to disturb you, I wanted to apologise for earlier, I didn’t know who you was, all the things you hear all the time you can’t be too sure about someone. By the way, my name is Vicky, Mr Michaelides. The least I could do was make you a cup of tea if you just moved back in I thought your utilities might be off.” She handed me the cup over. She still stood on the outside to the entrance of my flat, understanding her reason, better be safe than sorry.With the cup of tea in my hand, I said. “Thank you. You don’t have to call me Mr Michaelides. George is OK.”“OK, George.” She said with a smile.There was a telephone ring coming from outside, probably upstairs, she excused herself, going back to her flat.“Hopefully next time we meet we have a longer conversation than that,” I said to myself.Looking around the apartment, it brought back memories of.
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