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About a week after Nicole swallowed the bait, I decided it was time to push the envelope a bit more.I can't stop thinking about Nicole! What's wrong with me? She's just into Jr. High and I'm a grown man.But I can't help it. I find my mind wandering at work, thinking of her, wondering what she's doing, wondering if I'll see her when I get home. I race home to see if she's there. When she is, I'm happy.When she's not, it's like someone punched me in the gut.Where did these feeling come from all of a sudden?? I mean, she's just a girl!But ... damn me, I can't help myself.She's gone from someone I saw as a kid sister into ... well, something more. She's turning into a woman, there's no doubt about that. I had never noticed it before, but Nicole's shirts are definitely showing that something has happened beneath them.Man, what I wouldn't give to sneak a peek at what she's hiding under her shirt.I know her boobs will be beautiful without seeing them, because they are her's. But still ... to. I was so turned on watching my cock covered in her wetness. After about 5 - 10 more minutes I needed another break so pulled out. My dick was covered in her juices. She then sat up and sucked me off again. I love when she sucks my dick straight out of her pussy. It turns me on so much. She then said she wanted me to take her from behind. She bent over on all fours. I began to lick her pussy and her asshole from behind. The smell and taste was mind blowing. She was moaning so much. I gently slid inside her in the doggy style position and began fucking her and softly rubbing her ass hole. We did this for about 5 minutes whilst I could see us in the mirror. I love watching me fucking her in a mirror and she then said she was going to cum again. This made me so horny as she doesn't always cum through penetration, mostly from oral. I began to give slow long strokes in and out of her pussy and she had orgasm on my dick which made her pussy feel so tight around me. I couldn't believe how.
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