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‘How did you know that I was their target?’ For a long time, Burke didn’t respond. ‘Frank,’ he said at last. His voice wasn’t the same tone of icy command that she’d already gotten used to. It seemed almost…vulnerable. ‘I’ve known who he was…what he was…for a long time. Tried to keep as many people as possible away from him, and his kind.’ He sighed, and for a moment she felt immeasurably close to him. ‘It hasn’t always worked.’ ‘But if you know, why don’t you…I don’t know, go to the cops?’ The tone of impatient condescension was back, like it had never left. ‘I thought you read all the stories, girl,’ he snapped. ‘They’re untouchable. Any cop who goes to investigate comes back saying that the claims are totally groundless–and if they’re young and pretty, then they quit the force a week later and start working as a porn star for some producer who knows the right people. You can’t fight them…if you try, they’ll just make you into a slave and that’s the end of it.’ Maggie shuddered. It. ”“Isn’t it normal to bleed the first time?” I’m trying to reassure her, not exonerate him. “Yeah, a little spot of blood. But not this. He made me bleed for four days!”Rage suddenly rises up in me and I want to kill this bastard who raped my girl. “What’s his name? Where does he live?” Jo can read my feelings. “It’s no use, Andy. He was on tour. He’s gone back to America. But thanks anyway.” She snuggles up to me on the couch. “I’ve never told anyone that before.” I feel sorry for her and I give her a big hug. As I hug her the rage dissipates. “I’m glad you feel that way and you want to protect me.” She hugs me back, just as tightly. We are still hugging when Tabatha appears at the door to the living room. I didn’t hear her come in. “Isn’t young love sweet?” she says, sarcastically. I have an urge to separate from Jo and pretend that nothing happened, but Jo stays put and just gives Tabatha a stony look. Tabatha blanches under her work make-up. “Where’s Mum?”.
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