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After Jan settled down, we talked for a little while, and during our conversation, I asked her about what had happened when Dr. John was in the room. She told me that after I left, Dr. John pulled the sheet off of her then pulled the exam gown up till it was above her breasts. He then took his stethoscope and listened to her belly, then up to her breasts. After that, he felt all over her belly, probing here and there, then again moved up to her breasts and massaged them. Then Dr. John asked her how long it had been since she had the last contraction and when she told him, he said, "Good," then he started pinching her nipples really hard. Jan explained to me that was about when she began to feel another contraction coming on and told Dr. John about it. She said he then told her to raise her knees so that he could look her over and do an exam to see how far along she was. Jan thought this to be normal and did so not thinking about the fact that she was just entering into a contraction.. Gaby immediately let out a breath and took another one in, just in time as a fat cock was suddenly pushed upwards and into her mouth blocking her airway again. She gagged and choked on it before it was slid out and then back in again. Gaby was terrified and thought she was going to pass out when suddenly she felt the familiarity of a tongue on her pussy. Whoever it was started to suck her clit. The feeling of it being pulled into their mouth was making butterflies go berserk in Gaby’s stomach. Her breasts were throbbing from the clamps and chain and she could hardly breath. She thought as the cock was pushed further into her mouth that she might pass out………………….and then she did!……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Gaby awoke, back in her small room. Her arms were tied to a chair and she was naked other than the latex mask over her face. She moved her head as she felt the door open but could see no one in her darkness.Then she felt them, 3 cocks, against her body, maybe.
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