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My body hits the carpet and the next thing I know, I'm violated.He's not pulling punches. His two fingers roughly squeeze into my ass, feeling like something's burning. He doesn't care that lube is something that's a thing. I squeal, writhe, but I'm helpless. He twists them back and forth and I can feel him searching for a way to get the most reaction out of me, dragging his fingernails across my rectum. I want to kick him, but I can't, this girl is a victim and she knows it, she's already given up. I mean, I can't blame her. Whoever the motherfucker was, he was her guardian, pretty much a paragon of stability for her ... you can't just recover from a sucker punch like that. Not that fast, maybe not ever. Its vile and violent and he's enjoying himself like hell.This is where things start to get fucked up. He pushes his fingers into her mouth, making her suck them after he's had them in her ass up to the knuckles. But that's not the sick bit. I mean, that's horrid ... but the worst of. While I was sucking, she was moaning with pleasure. After some time I guided my pennis towards her pussy and inserted it into her. I moved in rhythm for the climax. After some time me cum in her and lay on top of her by placing my head on her breasts for some time and then lay next to her. After relaxing, we talked for some time and went to sleep. Next day I woke up at 8am and mom was not in the room. I went out of the room after brushing my teeth to see my mom. She was in her room or kitchen. I searched the whole house to find mom. As I could not find I asked the neighbor aunty whether she knows anything. Aunty said that my mom has gone to temple. I asked her at what time. She said 10minutes back. I said thanks and went to take bath to go to temple. I went to temple on my bike and reached the temple by 8.45am. By the time I went there mom was in the temple praying. I went near her and said her that I would have come with you if you have waked me up. She did not say anything but busy.
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