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Are my nails dry? Yes. I slip into my pumpsAnd pull the straps up around my heels.I put my coat and skirt on. I admireMyself in the big mirror. This is me.I walk out to the kitchen, savoringHow high my lovely heels are. I can hearThem clicking on the kitchen floor. I startTo make my dinner. In my world, I canDo daily tasks while dressed the way I like.I put a load of laundry in the wash.It makes the housework go much easierWhen I can do it dressed. It's almost fun.After my meal is complete I sign onAnd read my mail. The business of the dayIs done, and I would like a different look.I have four days. There will be enough timeTo try on many outfits and to seeWhat makes me feel good. Now I think I wantA sexy floral print dress I just boughtAnd my bright red pumps with pointed toesAnd fuck-me heels that are four inches high.I'm thankful that long pointed toes are back.I think I'd also like to wear a slipTo add a little extra girlyness.I change my clothes and walk to the mirror.I see the. I'll bring the car back then if you don't. Good night SIR." No Steph, don't go..." Stephanie could hear him calling to her as she closed the door.Her phone rang a few minutes after she'd entered her old flat. It now seemed a cold and uninviting place but at least it was hers and she could have her own space away from that harridan. She guessed the call was from David and cut him off when he'd only spoken a couple of words. "Let him stew. He should have done more to curb his bloody mother." Although inordinately tired, sleep wouldn't come. Stephanie tossed and turned all night and debated what she would do. Finally she decided to continue as his slave at work but to actively look for another job. "Even if the old bitch does leave, he'll always be under her influence. I suppose living with him was pleasant enough while it lasted. No I really liked it. I'm very fond of him. Perhaps I love him? Guess that it had to end sometime. Perhaps she is right, he needs someone more glamorous than.
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