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Heather looked at me and smiled as she made her way to Tommy. I smiled back and took in her sexy body. Trudy followed close behind her and must have noticed our glances because she quickly closed the curtain between us. Trudy stripped naked and stepped into the tub. She washed my body. I played and sucked on her breasts as she stroked me to an eruption. She put her face over my penis and it erupted on her face. She licked the gunk from her lips and wiped the excess off with her fingers. Heather and Tommy had been gone a few minutes when we stepped from the tub. Trudy dried me off and before she wrapped the towel around my waist she bent over and kissed my penis. She stood and smiled.“You are the best fuck, Albert,” she slipped her clothes back on and started towards the door.Before she made it to the door, I remembered something I had wanted to ask her. “Trudy, is Mrs. B okay? She has never missed supper before.”“She’s been sick most of the day, she will be fine. See you in the. I rented and bought just about anything I could get my hands on. I used it to introduce my wife to new things and ideas I had. One featured a porn star named Vanessa. In it, several guys frantically took turns at her orfices before bathing her with cum. “That is what I want”, she said. I didn't tell her at the time, but I too wished I was the one being fucked and bathed. One video I enjoyed had a women pegging a guy. I got my wife to start pegging me. She loved controlling me, ramming my asshole with increasingly larger latex. She even dressed me in panties and other ladies wear before doing it. I loved it. I knew I had a new fetish that would make me who I am. Later, we talked about swinging and adding even others activities to our sex life. These adventures will be shared in the future.I continued to visit adult book stores anytime I could. None had gloryholes but I could hear action in connecting booths. I found one with a peephole one day and got brave enough to peer through.
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