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While we wait for the food, each one of the attendants makes a close flyby to observe me. I use the magazine to appear aloof and disinterested putting on a spoiled girl attitude. You are sneering each time one passes by. “Don't you need to use the bathroom?” you say out of the blue. I feel my heart jump. “You said I didn't have to get out of the car.” I protest.You reach in your pocket again and I squint knowing what that means. The vibrator starts up again and I jump off the seat. “OK, ok.” I'll go. “You don't have to show off. Just run to the restroom and wait a minute or two then run back.” you say turning off the egg. I wait for my ass to stop jumping and settle my heart. I take a deep breath, hold up the magazine and rush, as best as I can in high heels to the bathroom and lock the door.I could see the reactions from the attendants as they check me out and look at my legs and ass. The guarder straps just hanging out from under the short skirt holding my stockings. Luckily I'm not. I suppose some men would get off on that ... certainly there are any number of sponsors here who do seem to get excited about the idea of forcing their concubines to do things that they don't want to do.Let me tell you that if you managed to keep Jennifer from taking a swim in the open ocean that you have a most special and unusual family. Most of the time, I know from experience, you aren't exactly sure what you're doing right. If that is the case with you then I suggest that you do what Marissa and I have had to do, which is to sit down together after all the concubines in the house (or our cospouses) and figure out what we've done correctly so that we can continue to do the things that make our house one where love and laughter live.You said you don't need muzzle velocity per se in your particular application of the tank, yet you do need stand off ability that is greater than my current drone design? I've been experimenting with your main gun and a design program that someone gave.
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