Panchal mp4 porn

We turned the lights off and I flipped over and faced away from her and wished her goodnight.I don’t know how long I was asleep before I woke, but it cant have been much more than 30 mins. I woke to find Milly still awake, staring straight at the ceiling. “What’s up Milly?” I asked. She couldn’t sleep as her mind was thinking too much apparently. She asked if she could have a cuddle off me, so I hugged her for a bit and she seemed to chill out a bit. She next asked if I could cuddle her while she faced away from me (Spooning). I did, but then became aware of what was going on and what I was doing in bed with a 15 year old. I put my arm over her anyway and pulled her into my body. She seemed to push back too, wedging her ass into my crotch area. Then out of no where I felt my cock begin to grow. I tried to pull away from her so she didn’t feel anything but she kept pushing back into me. It was pretty much fully erect, so she must have noticed it.She then started to slowly rock back. You look a bit shocked!Is it any wonder....Bloody hell Dan you've put me in to shock! I wasn't expecting "that" to pop up! Ohh sorry, No no its fine, I can't stop looking at it,So what do you think of it then...dose it pass the size test, Ha ha yeah just a bit, Its Flipping Huge! What is that around 10 inch's or something?A tad over 10 inch yeah, I grabbed a tape measure & pulled out 10 inch's then held it pointing up, Wow.. that is big & it's flat to your belly aswell, Must be absolutely rockhard solid, Ha ha yeah its pritty solid alright, I went off to the loo to look at it so no one would catch me, I just stood there staring at it for ages,When i got back he said...Where you been too then? Ha ha i think ya know that, That makes dave's cock look a bit pathetic, Can't get over the size of ya balls too,I could see you were packing some from looking at your jeans but Jesus,Bet you were popular with the girls at school then? Yeah but most said it was to big, I got off a lot more on.
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