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She needed some help. She asked me. Logical choice,” said Max.“Because she couldn’t take her own bra off?” Nick raised an eyebrow. “Seems spurious.”Max abruptly decided he didn’t want to tell Nick about Arwen. It might be too fraught even now. “Restore the man-pig balance. Who haven’t you told me about yet?”Nick frowned. “Uh. That’s it, actually. You’ve known about Kiki. I just told you about Jazz and I did mention Pilar spent the night. Right?”“Oh. So, why did I have to be a sexist pig then?” Max asked. “I thought you had more to tell me.”“No. I was thinking we might not get to hang out until this weekend and the list could be longer,” said Nick.“Ok. Balance restored,” said Max. “Also, I won’t be here this weekend. I’m heading down to Saint Martin to see if I can handle a real, live poker table.”Nick snickered. “You know they only give you money when you win in casinos. It’s not as much fun as it apparently is here.”“Saint Martin has nude beaches and I’m bringing Paige,” said Max.. She looked totally fucked out but for the bikers it was just a horny sight to see a well fucked-out Biker slut dancing while the cum running down her legs.The concert was over and the Bikers walked back to their chalet. On the way back they got a lot of compliments on their horny Biker slut. When John asked if she had any sense for more, she was a little drunk drunk so that she was still horny and it made her really not much out so she said, John, I've never enough! Again a couple of horny drunk Bikers shouted at her at the campsite. John just went to them and after some talking with them, they were five Italian biker friends who were here with a tent on the camping area, John told his friends that he would stay here with the Biker slut and that they could go to sleep and that he will take care for her. So John took his Biker slut and introduced her to the five Italian Bikers who were sitting befor their tent. 1 of the Italian Bikers came to John and gave him 50 euro and took her by.
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