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Things were running smoothly and Rajeev effectively monitored the jobs of all the garages. Of the three staff of our central garage, Rajeev depended extremely on Munna and he often told me that Munna will someday have his own garage because he had instinctive love for automobile.It was during the September last year that Rajeev told me that some valuable spares were missing from the go-down of our central garage. When Rajeev casually asked our staff about the stock position of that spare they all replied that the stock had exhausted long back.But Rajeev was not satisfied, his inventory check indicated that six pieces of those spares were last bought about two years back while thereafter only two bills indicated that two numbers of this spare were used for customers. So by that calculation four more pieces should have been in the store.Rajeev was brooding over this for quite sometimes and one day when the three staff were out in the evening Rajeev managed to open their quarters and. When Jan asked for the check, the maitre d' informed them there would be no charge. Puzzled, they left the restaurant; no one paid them any attention.When they reached the sidewalk, they expected to see the taxi waiting however the street and sidewalks were empty. The sun had set but illumitubes lined the buildings and it was bright as day. They decided to walk in the direction of their ship and flag down a cab.Block after block of brightly lit store fronts lined the sidewalk, however there were no shoppers only robot sales clerks standing in wait of a customer."We are being followed," Sith said in a low voice. "Continue walking, I shall see who it is."One leap carried him into the framework of a storefront canopy as the women walked on chatting in a carefree manner. They turned at the sound of a muffled cry to see a stocky Chinesian man lying on the sidewalk and Sith crouched over him, fangs gleaming.They ran back and stood beside their companion. The man was shivering with fear,.
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