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I loved my stepsister. That was a night for a good, heavy sleep. I dreamt vividly, but had forgotten those dreams by morning. With Sheila at home most of the time now it was not the same as earlier. Cindy and I had been able to make love anytime she was not busy, or I was around. I still was working at the San Diego Country Club. I was working as a caddy, and learning to play golf. Now I needed to start really saving money if I was going to find a room up closer to the college. I was working more often. After a morning at the club, I got home, just after two in the afternoon. I had made some nice tips from club members, and I was feeling good. All that money was going into the college fund. I got off the bus about two blocks from the bungalow, and walked slowly in the heat. I was sweaty, from carrying golf bags on the course, and then sitting on the bus with only the open window, and the blowing warm air, to cool me off. I needed a shower. I could have showered at the club, but I. I've been wet for you since the moment I first saw you." "Well, is that right?" He playfully asked. "Mhm. I think you turned me into some sex-crazed monster because I was never like this." Her eyes sparkled as she said this, and his heart beat that much more erratically as he just took in the sight of her. "You were never into sex?" "I liked sex, even though I only had it with one person other than you. But with you, I... I love having sex with you." That did it for Cameron. He rolled on top of her, kissing her lips and moving down to her neck and breasts. She loved how he felt inside of her, and he loved being inside of her. He wanted nothing more than to feel her tighten up around his thickness again. "You love having sex with me, Baby? You love it when I make you mine?" He asked as he started to rub her clit, which was already erect. "Uh, yes, I do. I love how good you are to me, Cam. I've never felt so sexy and so wanted before," She confessed, closing her eyes while.
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