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"Yea that has happened, and you know what Chad? I want to fuck you, I want to be your first, have you ever been with a woman? I want to teach you everything you need to know about woman, would you like that?" Janet whispered. I was about to jizz my pants. "Never been with a woman and I would really like that very much." I said. Janet had me undressed and on the floor and she straddled and lowered herself down on my cock. Her pussy was wet and tight and felt very good. I knew I had to not cum. So I thought about baseball, dead puppies, maggots, anything gross to keep from cumming as Janet slowly rode my cock. But then I opened my eyes and looked Janet square in her eyes and she made a soft moan and I lost it and my cock exploded deep inside her. "Wow, you lasted longer than I thought you would, so how did I do? Do like my pussy? Does it feel good inside me? I really like you cock." Janet said with my cock still inside her. Wow, she likes my cock I thought to myself. This woman. “Come with us.” She lowered her dress and led the way upstairs to the master bedroom with the king-size bed. Once there, she ordered the Toy to sit in the easy chair beside the bed, and John to stand by her while she sat on the bed. “Take off your shirt,” she ordered her husband, and while he did this, she unbuckled his pants, unzipped him, and dropped them. Pulled his briefs down. Anson watched this “new” live sex show as John’s manhood stood erect. She leaned forward, gulping it in, then nursing on it, and then pulling out, she held it firmly and stroked, smiling at her New Toy. “Don’t you wish this was your dick?” she teased. He nodded. She laid flat on the bed, facing Anson, raised her knees and spread her legs. Her dress rose over her thighs and she pulled it higher over her hips, completely revealing herself. “John baby, come fuck me.” He knelt over her and Anson watched from behind him as her husband’s penis disappeared. She wrapped her legs around his back,.
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