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With no alarm from air defense, by the time the commander's guards realized something was wrong, their leader was already gone.After strapping herself in to her jumpseat, an instant later Kate was once again wearing the elegant evening gown from before the mission. The eyes of the other soldiers in the helicopter widened at the change, not only because of RepliKate's reputation or their own awe at seeing her legendary powers in action, but also because of the flash of creamy skin they thought they saw during her clothing's transformation.Used to the stares, Kate settled in to enjoy the ride back to base. It was just another successful day on the job for RepliKate, valiant copycat superhero of the International Alliance."Another job well done RepliKate. You've just saved the lives of the hundreds of thousands of people who were under the thumb of that deranged warlord." Her department chief had a proud smile on her face as she congratulated her."Only doing my job, ma'am."Kate was. Kelly also prompted her that the texture of my cum might be a bit slimy but that she should begin to swallow slowly and in small gulps so that she would not gag. Penny looked at Kelly and nodded and then at me and smiled as she began to swallow.When it was all down she furrowed her brow and licked her lips. She said, "You know it really isn't all that bad. I mean I tasted it after I jerked him off yesterday." Then she looked at Kelly and got a sly look on her face. "I can see what you mean about the power trip of being able to do this well enough to become a permanent memory in a guy's brain."She looked up at me with a put-on innocent expression and said, "Does my master think that this first oral effort by his lowly slave might somehow be memorable at a later date?"I just shook my head and leaned forward to kneel so that I could be at her level. I wrapped by arms around her naked body and said, "Penny, that was so ... wonderful ... and memorable ... and ... everything about this.
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