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She was sitting on my left side on the window I crossed my hands around my chest and pretended to sleep and slowly with some guts I kept mu right hand on her arm and kept there for sometime on seeing no reaction from her side I started moving my hands to her navel region over her kurti and slowly with the help of the potholes my hand reached more further I opened my eyes a bit to see where my hand is I found that It was on her stomach and see was looking out of the windowThen I slowly started to move my 1 finger towards her right boob and lightly kept it on her boob she did not respond in any manner so I waited there for sometime and started to move my hand towards her tit and left it there then she saw my position and adjusted herself and my hand fell down from her boob I again did the same thing this time she took my and and kept it away then I pretending to change my position I left my hands open and kept my left hand in between her thigh and my thigh again slowly with the. Which, to be fair, they usually were!She was having a party to celebrate her parents being away for a weekend, and the house was being looked after by a man friend of theirs who, Samantha said, fancied her. She had invited about a dozen girls of our class at school, and around ten boys. I got permission from Mum to stop over at Samantha's that night, and three of the other girls had done the same. So, I discovered, had two of the boys.The party itself was nothing special. We had music for dancing, but before long it had degenerated into a sex romp, with boys and girls pairing off and disappearing into various rooms, reappearing some time later adjusting their clothing. I lost my bra very early in the evening, then later, found myself in Samantha's bedroom with three other girls and two boys.Even with my experiences with Tanya, I was amazed at some of the things the girls got up to with the boys and with each other, although I think I surprised them all with my well-practised tongue..
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