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OK. Take off your jacket and walk back. Nice, y'got a good pair a'jugs and a great ass. We'll get some pictures made. Go on through there." He pointed and got back on the phone.Marcie, surprised by his crude langue, hesitated and then did as she had been told. After all, she decided, it might be an interesting experience and she had nothing better to do. She lifted her chin and took a deep breath.Hot damn, thought Preston, that fucking coach is something. I haven't seen one this good for years. What a fucking beauty. He turned his old Rolodex and pulled down his zipper.In the next room, which was very warm, Marcie met George and Mike, photographer and assistant. They put the young woman on a high stool, took her jacket and pocketbook, adjusted their very bright lights, tucked her shirt in tightly, opened two buttons and handed her a bottle of doctored water. Marcie, nervous as well as warm under the hot lights, drank, and they started taking pictures and telling her where to look and. It hadn’t taken much to get Cara naked. She wanted to become a magazine model and thought a spray tan and a permanent smile were the way to do that. Anything I asked her to do at the initial shoot got a yes, until she was naked and smiling as she lowered herself onto the large dildo I’d brought to test the more willing girls. Jennie was harder. She posed willingly in her underwear, pulling saucy faces and holding the edge of her panties as if she was about to pull them down. When I asked her to slip out of her bra and show me her breasts she was a little reluctant but soon relaxed enough to pose topless, showing me her magnificent tits as I arranged her in various poses, she even let me tweak her nipples to get them to stand out more in the shots. But when I tried to separate her from the last tiny piece of lace protecting her modesty she clammed up. She said she wouldn’t pose without her panties and I’d had to set up a second session, claiming my boss had liked the shots but.
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