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Just as well, I couldn't take the thought of himwatching what had been done to me. still as Sheriff of the peaceful townof Playa, he had to ensure that I was a good citizen. He sat at his desk, his pants open and his cock in my mouth as heexplained how Playa was. All small towns have their own rules but theyusually don't have their own dictator. "We have a very quiet and law- abiding town. And I am the Sheriff. Alwayshave been. I was appointed by Mr. Seigal, ... did you ever hear of Mr.Bugsy Seigal?" I shook my head as it went up and down. I was far tooyoung and dumb to know anything about that. "Well anyway, Mr. Seigal was a man of vision and he appointed me Sheriffto see that the lawless elements didn't spoil Playa's natural beauty."Bixlee had his hands on my bald head, guiding me. "I like nice girls likeyou. No chasing, no taking you out to dinner and hoping for a quick feelat the front door, nossiree!" Bixlee came across as this product of thegreat Southwest. All twang and. I thought I saw him repress a smile and replace it with a much more intimidating expression.Rikki had only managed to get her jeans and bra back on. She had cleaned up her attitude, but her attire was stained in a few places and dripping in others.It was one of those moments when an explanation would have spoiled the mood."Your LICENSE."I produced the required plastic card and proffered proof of insurance with an appropriately somber expression.As the warm wind blew in from Rikki's open window, I was initially grateful for the breeze which cooled the perspiration beading on my brow and under my armpits.Until I realized that the cop must have gotten a big whiff of champagne as a result. The bottle was lying right next to Rikki.He saw it, we knew he saw it, and he knew we knew he saw it."Yew stay right where you are--don't move a muscle!", he bellowed, deftly thrusting a hairy forearm right in front of my nose and practically stabbing Rikki in the eye with an outstretched forefinger..
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