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”Two glasses in hand, she came over to the table where I had sat and poured, the wine running coolly down my throat. Jenn closed her eyes and let the wine do its work, sighing deeply, contentedly. Her arms slowly raised from her sides until they were over her head, stretching out her back and pressing her breasts firmly against the front of her blouse, her nipples semi-erect behind the fabric. I forced myself to look away, but felt a stir within me.I concentrated on my wine, not trusting myself any further. “Sam?” Jenn was looking at me directly, those eyes fixed on me in a way that made me shiver with desire.“Can I ask a favour,” she said, “well, another favour?”“Of course”“My shoulders get really stiff, would you mind…?”I managed not to choke on my wine and got up smoothly from my chair, coming around behind her and taking her shoulders in my hands. I started gently massaging them and could feel the tight knot of muscle slowly release its tension, bit by bit. I knuckled the top of. While Britney was busy in licking Rose’s beautiful asshole, Joe touched Britney’s ass. Joe came behind Britney and inserted his cock in Britney’s wet pussy. “Fuck, yeah,” Britney moaned, and looked back at Joe. Rose also noticed Joe fucking Britney. She got up and then lay down on her back in front of Britney with her legs spread wide. Britney started eating Rose’s pussy while Joe was fucking her harder. “Oh, Britney, eat my pussy,” Rose moaned. For a moment, Joe stopped and realized that it was the best night of his life. “Fuck her ass now,” Britney said. Joe wanted to fuck Britney a little more, but he pulled hit cock out of her pussy and moved to fuck Rose’s ass. “She has a beautiful ass,” Britney said as she moved her hand over Rose’s ass and stretched her ass cheeks. “Fuck her.” Joe pushed his cock in Rose’s asshole, and a moan escaped from Rose’s mouth. Britney spat on Joe’s cock a little more, and Joe went all the way inside Rose’s asshole. After that, Joe needed no.
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