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She took my hand and placed it into her buttoned pants. My hand slipped under her panties and caressed her mound. She gasped. “Feel that?” she moaned. “No one’s ever made me wet like that before.” I took my hand out reluctantly, but not for naught because I got a sample of her deliciously sweet and tangy juices. I ripped off her shirt and nestled my head in between her fantastic breasts. I was primal and so horny after her remark. The fact that I was the cause of her wetness made me shift uncomfortably in my pants. I threw off my shirt and she cupped my breasts. “I never knew you were such a dirty girl. I’ve never even heard you swear until now,” I said with a smirk. “That’s because you’ve never seen me so hor---- Aah!!!” I bit her right nipple roughly and my left hand was filled with her flesh. I loved the feeling of her nipple hardening in my fingers. At that point I was on my knees, level with her uniform pants. I put my hand over her crotch and could feel the heat emitting. There were two houses located between the ranch and Meritt's. The house closest to the ranch was a rental that was usually empty. The next house was owned by a retired couple that waved if they were outside when he rode past. It was a well kept house and there was always a crisp American flag flying from the porch. Depending on how fast he rode he could make it to Meritt's in thirty-five to forty-five minutes. The houses helped him time himself. Ten minutes to the rental. Another eighteen minutes to the house with the flag.The road was sparsely travelled. What traffic it did have was usually speeding, which meant that Scott would slow down and get as far over on the shoulder as he could. He hated the occasional cattle truck that came by. It meant he'd be riding in a rich miasma of smells for the next ten minutes.The summer before 5th grade, Scott was a Broken Creek Boys Ranch veteran of five years. His stay was longer than any previous ranch resident. The explanation given was that.
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